Monday, December 8, 2008


Doing the dishes and a thought occurs. That happen much for you? I've been on anti-depressants for a while and I have been reading up and trying to understand them.

I mean the whole box and dice. Not the "I'm a doctor. These are pills. Take them." statement. Hey. Human being here, if you want me to take these you'll have to convince me its going to work.

People are more than organic complexes. Gestalt theory has it that a group or an organism can be more than the sum of its parts. Descartes divided humans into body and mind. Ryle critcised mind-body dualism, and called it 'the ghost in the machine'. (Hey sugar, look it up. I had to just now to spell 'Descartes'.)

Of course it bugs me that health care in general treats people by giving them chemicals. Not all the time, but pills are a big industry. $$$$

And our culture has come to expect a pill for every ill. The quick fix. Drive-thru health care.

I'll have to come back to this next time.

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