Saturday, March 28, 2009

Part the Second of the Immaculate Espresso

My little joke.  To explain, there is a coffee called 'machiatto'.  Being Italian, the derivation is the same as the immaculate conception of Christ.  His Mum Mary was immaculate -unstained- and the machiatto is a shot of espresso with a little stain of froth or milk.
Here is the milk after steaming.  You can make froth by holding the steam nozzle just under the surface of the milk.  You can spray yourself and the kitchen too, and make a lot of noise, and get a painful scalding.

Mostly I have tea first thing of a morning.  It does help to be fully awake before making espresso.

Now we have our shot in the coffee-glass and the 'textured' milk ready to be added.

This is the result of our labours.  Those more skilled can make three layers of black, brown, and white.  But this is good enough for me.  I can have just the right amount of sugar and milk, between a cappucino and a short black.

Its worth the trouble to drink a really good espresso.

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