Monday, March 16, 2009

Making damn fine espresso

Start up your machine, filled with water. You'll need a jug to 'texture' the milk, and these ingredients: The best coffee beans, from my local roaster. Demerara sugar. Cardamon pods.

Grind the beans and cardamon. Here is enough for one cup. The ground coffee is pressed into the filter with the tamper, and then the filter fits into the handle ...thingy.

The steam wand heats and 'textures' the milk (makes it all frothy). Then you start the hot water pumping through the coffee grounds. This make a lot of noise and steam.

I put sugar into the glass before the 'shot'. The handle thingy is clamped into the machine very tightly, as the hot water is under 15 atmospheres of pressure. Honestly its like driving a steam train. Butch up, bitch, we got a shot a' fine brew to bring home.

Can you believe I do this every morning? Actually its easier than getting the pictures and words to line up.

Oh, and the cardamon and sugar and milk are all optional. This is just my favourite. The machine is in the lower price range. It does the job for me, so why pay more? The coffee beans are where I spend the most, and its because I can taste a difference. I grind only enough for each use so the coffee is fresh.

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